Turn Back Time

Today was a special day I didn’t really keep a tab on. My blog account turned 11 today! This account has been around only since 2011. You can find my poor, oft neglected first blog here. I love my virtual space: it shows me how much I have grown in thought and words. If I…

When the Tables Turned

Like I’ve told you before, I am drawn to zoos. But looking through my photographs, I realized that most animals at the Bangalore zoo seem bored and depressed. With its cozy weather and mostly depressing surroundings (OK, I actually found people I adored there so not a blanket statement that applies to all, but yes…

Rapidly Ageing

I like elephants. The texture of their skin reminds me of my loving grandmother . They are said to remember everything, so do I. I remember most dates and things that I either pay attention to or care about. I love the eyes of an elephant. They are so small in comparison to their humongous…

The King and His Queen

Every dog is a lion at home. Henry George Bohn I like lions: my first soft toy when I starting earning was a lion. I always thought lions are canine, but I recently found out that they are feline instead. You can’t blame me entirely for my ignorance though. Think about it. He’s the king…

The White Tiger

A white tiger is an albino, which symbolizes power in East Asian cultures, such as Vietnam. It symbolizes freedom and individuality.  The tiger’s world, by contrast, is not only amoral but peculiarly consequence-free, and this-the atavistic certainty that there is nothing more lethal than itself-is the apex predator’s greatest weakness. John Vaillant

Divided by Society, Tied by the Heart

In the six years that I spent away from my hometown, I lived, learnt and traveled quite a lot. For some inexplicable reason, I am drawn to zoos in almost every place I visited. The pictures here are from the Bannerghatta Zoo, Butterfly park and Safari, which is the last place I went to, before…

Tyger, Tyger

Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand, dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, & what art,Could twist the sinews of thy heart?And when thy heart began…

The Price of Freedom

Freedom. What a beautiful word! Immunity from duties or obligations. But that’s far away from reality. Without obligations or limitations, unbridled freedom can cause rampage. In this sense, boundaries are needed. Boundaries also help one understand and appreciate the level of control they enjoy on the life they lead. Freedom is never free in the…

Fur Buddies

I love animals, sometimes a little more than people. I couldn’t stop myself from dropping some open change to support the animal welfare NGO in a Sri Lankan mall (how I wish we could be just as open for donations in India too). The rice guards I spoke about in my previous post are the…

Leopard Love

Leopards are found in the Indian subcontinent and are enlisted to be critically endangered. They are typically found in grasslands, woodlands and riverine forests. A cheetah has a deep chest and a narrow waist, with short, coarse fur. It is tan with black spots, each 2 to 3 cm in diameter. It has a white…