Dubai Calling!

And I am back! I am sorry, I didn’t really have the time to tell anyone of my absence, and I was pleasantly surprised to get two of my blogging friends concerned about my stoic silence (Cecelia and Judith, I love you guys so much!) as they left their thoughts on my mailbox.  So anyway, I was away for a conference to the beautiful European city of Prague in Czech Republic. And now that I have the pictures ready, Let me share them too. This picture I dedicate to fellow blogger Yor who I believe lives in Dubai. I had to take two Emirates flights to reach to Prague which meant a 4-hour wait at the Dubai Airport. When we did manage to take off, I got a window seat, consolation to the fact that I was the only vegan on-board and they didn’t have any food for me. Hope you enjoy the skyline of the beautiful city of Dubai, I hope I can see the sights and sounds one day in flesh and bones too! And when I get there, I hope I get to meet you Yor…

11 Comments Add yours

  1. ceceliafutch says:

    Kamakshi! It is so good to see you back. Hope your travels were fun, exciting, informative, and all the good stuff. 🙂 And thank you ever so much for the mention! I appreciate it.


    1. Kamakshi says:

      Hi Cecelia…as You can see, i am still catching up with to much still on my plate…but i was so touched by your concern…hopefully with some scheduling will will plug in the 10 day gap i left behind 🙂


  2. nuvofelt says:

    Our son has visited Dubai several times, I’ve never been.

    But I have been to Prague.

    Such a contrast between the two places.


    1. Kamakshi says:

      Actually I haven’t been to Dubai either, but Prague, I fell in love with the city, However, I am used to a lot of pace in Mumbai, vacationing there is good, i may not fit in there though!


  3. Interesting photo. So much to discover from the tip of the airplane wing, to the dusty horizon and the impressive skyscrapers. Very nice shot!


    1. Kamakshi says:

      Thanks for stopping by Bjorn & Ingrid! I was worried how to go about processing the picture, considering how airplane windows are, but i like the rustic old-school feel of the image really!


  4. Yor Ryeter says:

    The tallest building that you got a shot is “Burj Khalifa” 🙂 You’ll see that soon in person and I hope to meet you too!


    1. Kamakshi says:

      Thanks Yor, I hope that happens soon 🙂


  5. “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson


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